Database Design, Development, and Deployment
The data management journey starts from sensors and device gateways producing megabytes or terabytes of data. How do you manage and processes the journey of this large volume of data? How do you ensure data is interoperable through each step across various systems?
Data management is our expertise and we can assist you. We support you to plug together the required data management software components and build the next generation of devices. We can work with you to accelerate learning about options for taking care of your data management and data processing requirements. We can enable you to reduce development time and save cost by offering access to database experts from the beginning. It is important for you to be aware of integration of database with third-party software tools (i.e. RTOS, GUI, communication, etc.) and hardware (i.e. MPUs, MCUs) challenges. ITTIA is a one stop engagement for your end-to-end edge data management and processing requirements. Need assistance with edge device data processing and management? Get a jump start with our complementary consultation.
Specific Requirements
When it comes to build new products, whether you select ARM or Intel architectures, most of data management and the analysis cycle is spent in developing and setting up hardware and software components. Information from various market studies confirms that most projects do not release on time because data management and analysis problems are unexpectedly complex. ITTIA can assist you.
We can work with you on prototyping, designing, testing, and debugging the total data integration. Our experience includes selection involving development platform for running ITTIA DB SQL (boards), development of the prototypes, building device data management, establishing a communications bridge to distribute the data, confirmation of fine integration between the device embedded data management and tools such as RTOS, GUI, etc.
Training and Tutorials
By working with ITTIA experts and having access to ITTIA Getting Started Guides, our customers quickly understand the data management foundations for developing embedded device applications, eliminate the initial time-consuming task of integration verification for required software/hardware, and focus resources on product development. Working together, we enable you to get to market on time, to hit deadlines, and save enormous development time and cost. Need assistance with edge device data processing and management? Talk with an expert in a complementary consultation.