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15 December 2022
Time: 11:00 AM PST

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15 December 2022
Time: 4:00 PM CET

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ITTIA Unveils Disruptive IoT Edge Time Series Data Solution

This event is only for invited media representatives. Requirements for IoT edge data analytics and data management are rapidly evolving, and developers are witnessing a great change toward data-driven intelligent embedded systems.  This shift has been ushered in by a few important driving forces:

  1. Sensor sample data originating at IoT endpoints,
  2. Data analytics and data management at the edge,
  3. Real-time decisions and response to time series data,
  4. Connecting devices to broadcast and communicate edge data,
  5. Protect privacy and safety with IoT data security measures.

These five areas directly relate to the value added by ITTIA DB for manufacturers of embedded systems.

You are invited to our 30-minute online press conference during which we will present our technical accomplishments in 2022, explain ITTIA’s roadmap for 2023, and answer questions. We have invested a tremendous amount of time and R&D resources to predict and build a modern embedded data management platform for IoT edge systems. We are excited to share our innovation with you.

Edge IoT devices, machine learning, and artificial intelligent systems empower connected edge systems built with MCUs and MPUs. The great value of these systems comes from their abilities to refine raw data and sense information for manufacturers to open up new markets and create more business opportunities.

Strong device time series data analytics and data management software is the essential change for building intelligent embedded and edge IoT systems. Whether it's for automotive, industrial automation, medical devices, or other markets, these changes are driven by time series data, machine learning, and artificial intelligence (AI). Data and AI are at the core of these disruptions. The historical methods that were used for data management are no longer going to meet the needs of modern smart systems.