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How to Modernize IoT Devices with Stream Data Processing and Data Management Capabilities

North America and Europe
Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 | 5:00 PM IST

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Software architects and developers are always on the lookout for high-performance database solutions that can transform raw sensor data into meaningful information in order to sense the environment, automate systems, and create smart devices. In order for smart embedded systems to make judgments and act, more devices built with MCUs and MPUs must work together in real-time to perform intelligent predictions and forecasting.

IoT systems for embedded applications, such as gas monitoring, air quality examining, medical devices, and general industrial systems, generate massive volumes of data. As a result, a large amount of raw data may be gathered and transported to the cloud for storage and processing, or it could be stored and handled on the edge to address security, safety, and cost reasons.

The problem is to keep data local on MCUs and MPUs, update it, and maintain the systems available in the face of bandwidth restrictions, latency concerns, and unplanned network failures. It's crucial to make the right decision regarding whether to use the cloud or the edge for data management. Designing future embedded systems, addressing data stream processing and management challenges, and supplying the edge with substantial computing capabilities have all become crucial aspects.

Join us on Tuesday, February 1st for an overview, discussion, and demonstration of how to monitor, process, and manage edge data in a modern way for building embedded systems.

You will gain knowledge on:

  • Advantages of choosing the right database for the IoT edge devices
  • Importance of time series database for building MCU and MPUs applications
  • Stream data processing and ease of development elements for building device application
  • How to leverage database software for edge-computing architecture