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Android Data Security Managed with ITTIA DB SQL

April 19, 2015 — Bellevue, WA — Android developers of mission-critical applications and business intelligence solutions can experience critical safety vulnerabilities if malicious systems on the network or malware applications intercept access to confidential data. These faults can be caused by lack of security for data management and data distribution.

ITTIA DB SQL is a significant step forward, as its new security and authentication features offer flexible data safety techniques to address these problems on Android. Using these comprehensive features, Android developers can achieve the greatest level of data security in embedded applications by encrypting both network communications and storage media.

ITTIA DB SQL provides an exceptional authentication mechanism, whether connecting over TCP/IP, shared memory, opening a database file directly, or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). ITTIA DB SQL's support for the SSL protocol provides a secure channel for remote data management on Android. This protocol offers protection from eavesdropping, the unauthorized interception of communications, and uses certificates to prevent session highjacking.

With ITTIA DB SQL, developers have the opportunity of configuring remote client applications to use SSL when connecting to ITTIA DB on Android. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of data that is commonly adopted by the U.S. government and others across the world. ITTIA DB SQL storage encryption provides support for the AES-128 and AES-256 block ciphers.

A free copy of ITTIA DB SQL is available for evaluation at:


ITTIA provides software and services for data management, offering standards, ease of use, and flexibility to our customers. Benefits of selecting ITTIA's technologies include leading-edge software, comprehensive documentation, scalability, efficiency, exceptional performance, and low total cost of ownership. Learn how customers such as Freescale Semiconductor, Panasonic, Puget Sound Energy, Fresenius, Boeing, and others have valued from ITTIA by visiting: